
Nikki in action


Watch the former journalist turn any conversation into a compelling and meaningful dialogue, keeping your audience engaged and on their toes!
As a former anchor and reporter on LIVE Television with Fox Sports Asia, Nikki expertly navigates complex and compelling conversations across diverse subjects. She’s manages the pace and flow of chats, making sure panels are completed on time and with purpose! People often tell her how much fun they’ve had in discussions, even when the subject is technical or challenging. That’s because Nikki approaches every chat with relatability and wit! But most importantly, Nikki does her homework. She goes above and beyond when preparing content and understanding profile backgrounds, while always focusing on Key messaging.
Nikki manages the unexpected with humor and calm and can always be relied on to deliver beyond the brief. Whether it’s discussing impact investment, marketing innovation or ways to ramp up digital transformation, Nikki is always ready to have a meaningful and valuable conversation ensuring that all involved feel seen, heard and understood. Even Formula 1 Champions Sebastian Vettel and Nico Rosberg are fans of Nikki’s interview style!

Why Hire Me as a Professional

Nikki hosting ATF Opening Day 2021

An expert moderator will:

  • Provide context for the audience and drive meaningful conversations
  • Prepare and research thoroughly
  • Be aware of the latest industry developments
  • Bring life and energy to the conversation
  • Bring humour and relatability to the conversation
  • Help your panelists feel at ease and willing to open up
  • Ask the tough questions respectfully and empathically
  • Ensure all sides of the story are given equal weight
  • Steer conversations and change directions seamlessly
  • Listen well and emphasise key take-aways for the audience
  • Make your audience feel like they are a part of the conversation
  • Connect key messages and summarise valuable outcomes
  • Handle last-minute changes with ease
  • Make sure all panels end ON TIME
  • Ensure everyone has FUN no matter what subject
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